Monday 3 August 2009

FANBOYS - Review

Fanboys is set in 1998 and tells the story of a group of friends who take a road trip to the Skywalker Ranch to steal the rough cut of Episode 1 so their friend who has cancer can watch it before he dies.

There was a lot of talk of whether the studio wanted to keep the cancer storyline in the film and just have the movie about stealing the movie. But to be honest, the cancer plot line gave the film a reason and gave the characters the reason to keep going when things just went wrong. It gave the film a lot of heart and warmth that you don't see much in comedies these days.

This is a film for the Star Wars fans out there, and it really shows. There are a number of cameos that will just make you smile (none of which I'm gonna spoil), a hilliarious number of quotes taken from the movies are constantly used, this film was made by a true fanboy and relentlessly so. It's a good film with some great comedy and a touching story.

The cast all around were great, especially the characters Hutch and Windows who are just hillarious together, esepcially around Trekkies. The film also feature Seth Rogan in two roles; for people who don't tend to like him should really give him a chance in the film, he plays a trekkie and also a pimp, so two opposites collide to hillarious results.

If you're a fan of Star Wars, or just good, clean comedy, give this a shot, you won't be dissappointed.

  • Often hillarious
  • A lot of heart in the story
  • Great cast and cameos
  • Makes Star Wars cool.
  • Some jokes/cameos might not seem like much to the non-Star Wars fans.

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